Persona Datasets

Access to Persona datasets is dependent on your security permissions as set by your System Administrator in SysTrack Deploy. A dataset will not be displayed under the Observations menu for the following reasons:

  • You do not have security permissions to view a particular dataset
  • No data is available for a particular dataset

The table below describes each available Persona dataset. Click the links for detailed information about a dataset.

Dataset Description
View the Critical Applications Dataset Provides insight into the critical applications for personas. Persona Critical applications are applications which consume on average, greater than 5 percent of a user's total focus time, and have been used by at least 50 percent of the users that belong to the persona.
User Critical Applications Provides insight into the critical applications for individual users. User critical applications are applications which consume a large portion of a user's total focus time.
User Resource Consumption Provides an overview of resource consumption for individual users.
User Systems Provides information relating to the systems used by individual users.